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This financial literacy course is designed to help you better understand personal financial management, budgeting, setting financial goals and creating a wealth plan. We will discuss how the stock market works, various types of investment products such as Stocks, Bonds, Cash, Mutual Funds, Index Funds, ETF's, etc. and how to focus on short term, mid term and long term investment strategies. More
Starts Starts: 2/25/2025 5:30 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 11 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 12 seats
Class begins Tuesday February 25, 2025. These classes will be held 3 nights a week, Tuesdays through Thursday. Tuesday and Thursday classes are in person and Wednesday nights are via zoom. You must have a State Apprentice card in order to enroll in these plumbing courses. The Plumbing Apprentice courses are designed to teach classroom theory and do not include hands on training. More
Dates Dates: Classes will meet every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-9 for 110 hours total
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 22 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 30 seats
This is a 6 week class.This course is a continuation of the skills taught in basic watercolors. Experimentation and fun are encouraged in the watercolor class, along with developing your individual style through new techniques and skills. We will paint city scenes, landscapes and seascapes! The pastel class will be part of the watercolor class. We will alternate between watercolor and pastel painting - a very free and open plan for the class. Pastels will cover basis strokes, supplies and developing a feel for working with pastels and discovering your style! We will work on seascapes, landscapes and still life painting with pastels. Bring your ideas and we will work with them to create! Visit Karen’s website online at www.karenkeoughdesigns.com and www.karenkeough.com. Required Materials for the class include: 3 tubes of Windsor and Newton or Daniel Smith or Holbein primary color watercolor paints (please no student grade paints) Cobalt Blue or Ultramarine Blue, Permanent Rose or Rose Madder, Aureolin (yellows) Arches 9×12 (or larger) watercolor paper pad – (On-line at Cheap Joe’s Art Supplies or Artist Craftsmen in Saugus on Route 1) 1 – #6 or 8 round watercolor brush 1 – #10, 12, or 14 round watercolor brush 1 – #16 or larger round watercolor brush 1 – HB #2 pencil and gum eraser 2 empty containers for water and paper towels More
Starts Starts: 5/5/2025 6:00 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 15 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 15 seats
Total: 3 Page size: